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Are Your Strategic Decisions Future-Ready?

We offer clarity, experience, and foresights to help you navigate a rapidly changing tech and business landscape.
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What matters next for your company?

Consider how your organization would be different if everyone on your team was clear about all aspects of your tech projects, including their rollout. Your digital transformation efforts could benefit from:

How do you move forward with confidence—and without worrying about unintended consequences and bad press?

KO Insights Kate O'Neill at IoD London
Kate being interviewed on-stage about transformation at Institute of Directors in London, 2016
Kate O'Neill at Google
Kate O’Neill, Talks at Google, October 2018

A new way to think

At KO Insights, we work at the intersection of technology, humanity, and business strategy and take you beyond your current construct, reimagining your path forward.

We provide deep, dimensional thinking and strategic clarity around tech innovation and digital transformation that’s better for your business and better for humanity.

And we also deliver breakthrough insights about how to make your efforts even more effective.

Our work provides a shared vocabulary among tech and non-tech leaders and teams to cut through the ambiguities around tech projects.

Better prioritization of tech projects results in a more aligned—and therefore more effective—use of resources.

Here’s a sampling of how we’ve delivered ROI to our clients.

That’s in addition to regularly presenting keynotes on Tech Humanist strategy, human-centric digital transformation, and the future of meaningful human experience to hundreds of executive leaders of top global corporations—and getting to hear their questions and what keeps them up at night.

Whether we're updating your strategy, aligning your team, elevating your decision-making:
let's set you up for a brighter future.

Kate O'Neill at UX Australia

“We continually refer back to the work you led us through. It helps shape our approach toward every aspect of the business.”

— Former Client

You need more clarity.
Our approach gets you there.

You already have plenty of partial answers. We help you ask better questions to start building a more complete, informed picture powered by insights—and that’s where the true transformation happens.

We work with you to:

Human-centric nuances make a difference at scale.

How our disciplined rigorous process works


Lead strategic discovery with meaningful questions

Meet over a whiteboard session to identify what we want to accomplish over the full engagement:

- What challenges you’re facing

- How you’ve tried to solve them and what you’ve learned

- What additional solutions and resources we might need

- How we’ll recognize successes


Go beyond answers to deliver timely approaches and meaningful alignment

Articulate a strategy that guides your next steps to reveal opportunities to invest in customer experience technology and internal infrastructure, and ways to improve overall data collection and use. Define what’s next.


Formulate timeless insights

Insights are the key to future-ready strategy. Look for them in the liminal space between questions and answers. Formulate enduring insights that can inspire timely approaches again and again.


Identify bankable foresights

Align to today’s strategic decisions ensuring that your company is future-ready.

“...the skill and wisdom to come up with good, and often novel, approaches, and the diplomacy to navigate a tense working environment.”

— Former Client

Solution components

Engage with us in the way that meets your needs.

Strategic Facilitation

Transformational strategy often needs outside help:  the nuanced input of an outside expert, sometimes in a session conducted outside your normal workspace. Or an outside perspective brought into your board meeting or executive team planning session.

We work with you to develop the best format—onsite or offsite, in person or virtual, front-led or richly collaborative—to deliver the outcomes you need the day to yield.

Strategic Consulting

Whether change is happening inside the organization or in the world outside—or more likely both—leaders benefit from third-party expert input to keep teams aligned and on course for future-readiness.

If your strategy is in chaos or you’re struggling to grow, we offer one-on-one or small group sessions at your office or via virtual meeting to help you unpack the challenge, reframe it, and develop an action plan.

In addition, we can offer ongoing guidance and consulting through a retained arrangement.

Kate providing a facilitated keynote for a Google retreat
Kate providing a hybrid front-led session — a facilitated keynote — for a Google departmental retreat in Lake Tahoe
Kate O'Neill facilitating a team-building session
Kate facilitating a richly collaborative creative UX and design team-building session with a lot of laughter and bonding

“It was refreshing & exciting to find a like-minded person who clearly knows the pulse and mind of the consumers“

— Audience Feedback

Go beyond digital transformation;
start your strategic transformation

Our strategic insights have been sought out and trusted by top brands you admire.

Give us a little background and let’s discuss how we can move your company forward.

Success Stories

Below are just a few highlighted successes and case studies of some of the forward-looking, human-centric strategic work we’ve done for clients, whether through speaking, workshops, or consulting, or a combination of those services.

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    It’s time to create a human-centric strategy for a change-filled future.